• Hubilia
  • Viale Monza, 347 - 20126 Milano (MI)
  • info@hubilia.com
  • Orari: 10:00 - 18:00

With the funds dedicated to training, you can always be up to date

Thanks to the INPS DM / 10 contribution report model, that all companies use every month, it is possible to use free funds for training. Financed Training is an interesting opportunity for any company that intends to invest in training and strengthening the skills of its employees.

The Funds are a form of “provision" that allow companies to finance company training plans almost free of charge. Apply to
a Fund does not involve any additional expenses.

What service does Hubilia offer for financial training?
Hubilia, thanks to the staff, is able to support its customers for:

  • Define training needs.
  • Draw up a training plan according to the requests of the various Funds (Fondimpresa, Fondirigenti, Fondo For.Te, FonARCom, FBA, ForAgri, FondoProfessioni, Fond-Artigianato, FAPI, Fon.Coop, Fondir, Fondirigenti Pmi etc.)
  • Deliver training
  • Manage bureaucracy related procedures, including final reporting